Friday, June 5, 2009

Chakra Clearing: Very important to keep your energy centers aligned.

You want to start with the red chakra, which includes everything below the waist, legs, feet and all. You want to feel energy surging in the root chakra or red chakra.  Red ribbons of light coming off of you in every direction, pushing out into space.  Envolumising space below you.  Feel the rushing energies of the earth rumble inside your legs.  As if you are pulling from the very depths of the earth itself red clouds of energy which enliven your legs.

Now you want to feel orange energy around your genitals.  Imagine all the things you do with your genitals and feel surging energies around your life giving organs.

Move up to about where your pancreas is in your stomach and feel churning, whirling yellow energy.  Binding things up and moving things along all inside your stomach area.

Now move up to your heart or green chakra and feel pulsating green energy being sucked into and out of your heart.  The heart is a vascular organ and you should try to feel its beat just within yourself.  Feel a warming energy just above your heart.  This is your thymus gland and this is where T-Cells are produced.  Push energy to the space just above your heart in your chest.  And feel the infection fighting power of T-Cells course through your body.

Now the throat, where the thalamus and the thyroid gland are, in the center of your neck.  Feel cold blue energy rendering itself from you throat.  Even sing a little, this will help you feel these glands in your throat and push life giving substances from them.  Metabolizing blue glands in your throat bubble with energy.  Sing for a while and then return to reading.

Now you want to focus on the pineal gland in the center of your head with indigo light.  Feel the thought producing power of the pineal gland.  It governs all your thought with its chemical reactions.  All cognitive functions and all psychic functions. 

Now finally just above that is the pituitary gland.  This governs all the processes of your body and controls the other glands.  Feel violet energy eminating from this gland.  All that you are extending up and into space.  Outer space, where the stars shine in the cold distant reaches.  Connect with these stars and feel their energies in your life.  Soon you will use this to learn to connect with people outside of your immediate consiousness and feel their energies too.  It takes time and practice, but if you repeat this at least once a week, you will feel envitalized and consious to things that happen outside of yourself and your immediate area of consiousness.

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